So do you Pin? Do you know about this newest way to spend the lion's share of your computer time? If you are even just slightly visual, even the tiniest bit prone to magazine inspiration, or otherwise on the hunt for soaking up other people's great ideas, no matter the subject matter, then you need to join Pinterest. By that I mean you need to get invited to join Pnterest. They have a unique system.
But I should warn you, the site is addictive. Moreso than Facebook and waaaay moreso than just flipping through print magazines or browsing your fave decorating-gardening blogs, this new internet activity has the uncanny ability to numb your clock-watching senses.
Because on this site you get to gather up all the images that groove you and move you. By clicking on the images you like and organizing them into virtual bulletin (Pin) boards, you can collect, organize, label, and share inspiration to your nest-feathering little heart's content. Then you just sit back and enjoy your pinned boards as if you are the magazine editor of all of your own favorite things.

The thing is, on top of reallocating my laptop time to include less People of Wally Marks and more Pinterest, now I also have to reallocate my doing stuff time in order to accomplish some of these fantastic home-worthy ideas.
Here is a link to my Pinterest page, where I have started with just a few different boards. As mentioned before, there is no end to the inspriation available on the Web and little end to how much time can be spent looking, drooling, and Pinning. So browser beware; don't let any one thing, not even a thing as awesome and cool as this, suck your life away.
Gotta go. My blogger buzzer just sounded and real life awaits.