If you are clicking on this page, then I can only assume you have a healthy curiosity about Tiny Mr. T. As well you should. He is the coolest, most insightful, and most stylish person you will ever meet in the blogosphere. To boot, he is only a few inches tall. That's a lot of efficient smooth, y'all.
Please scroll down to the bottom for Tiny T's 31-Day Series, "Lookin for Love." Thanks!
I mean, Tiny Mr. T can totally hold his own with Batman. I know.
He pities the fool who messes with either Gotham or Oklahoma City!
Tiny T even tried steamed edamame once, although the chopsticks were a particular challenge.
I won't go far as to say he pities himself, but it was a sweaty moment.
Tiny T gets around. He helps me garden and tend the animals.
Here, he pitied the fool chicken who laid this ginormous egg there on the right!
Tiny T pities the fool who gives up hope on seeds that don't germinate immediately.
T pities the fool who doesn't use fresh herbs, at least part of the time.
He is an excellent travel companion. He is active in book club.
Tiny T visited the Chickasaw Cultural Center and learned plenty.
He pities fools who avoid new experiences and fail to learn lessons from our shared histories.
When subbing at local schools, the fool pitying knows no end.
(Just kidding, Tiny T loves kiddos.)
Tiny T is so secure in his masculinity that he has no problem shopping boutique jewelry shops with me, too.
Tiny T really, REALLY pities all fools who pay full price.
Next? Next for Tiny Mr. T is a romantic adventure. For the month of October, we will be chronicling his dating, love interests, yearnings, and lessons learned. We will hopefully meet some of his lady friends and... I am so excited about this part...
It's gonna be a choose-your-own-adventure story.
I hope you will join us here every day in October! There is no way Tiny T will have anything other than an exciting, gut wrenching, hilarious tale to tell. Maybe even truly romantic. And he needs YOUR help. Come read with us, vote on the progression of the story, and have some fun!
In the mean time, follow him on Instagram. The only thing happening on my Instagram more often than Tiny Mr. T is my herb garden and the llamas.
Three cheers for Tiny T!
31 Days Lookin for Love
linking up with the Nester
September 30th Intro Story
October 1st: Episode One
October 1st/2nd: Episode Two the first vote opportunity!
October 3rd: Halloween costumes Tiny T links up with Mama Kat today.
October 3rd/4th: Episode Three Wherein some readers' votes are acted out!
October 5th: Episode Four You voted!
October 8th: Episode Five T reveals a little of his character.
October 9th: Introducing T's Friends Check out his sweet ride.
October 10th: Episode Six T moves on with his day and the brunette returns.
October 12th: paper fortune teller tutorial
October 16th: Episode 7
October 18th: Episode Eight
October 1st: Episode One
October 1st/2nd: Episode Two the first vote opportunity!
October 3rd: Halloween costumes Tiny T links up with Mama Kat today.
October 3rd/4th: Episode Three Wherein some readers' votes are acted out!
October 5th: Episode Four You voted!
October 8th: Episode Five T reveals a little of his character.
October 9th: Introducing T's Friends Check out his sweet ride.
October 10th: Episode Six T moves on with his day and the brunette returns.
October 12th: paper fortune teller tutorial
October 16th: Episode 7
October 18th: Episode Eight