What a wide net of beauty and love we have around us right now. I haven't participated in Monica's 5 Senses Tour in a while, probably because the Small Stones project kept that thirst for observation pretty well quenched throughout January. But here we are a fourth of our way through the new month and my senses are overwhelmed again. Once more in need of lancing.
What I See: Patches of green clover and weeds interspersed with the dormant grasses. Small craters scratched into the earth by our chickens, revealing nearly black soil, crumbly and soft. Gorgeous new round bale of hay in the barn. New-to-us tablecloth we found at a garage sale this past weekend, a piece of round floral print cotton that I predict will become my favorite. At least for a while. Gray clouds covering the sun, dimming the early springtime, softening my gaze. New photos of my two beautiful daughters, faces that take my breath away. And possibility. I see possibility all around us.
What I Hear: Roosters crowing with serious joy every time they find new forage material. Geese screaming objections to every breeze. Horses exhaling and snuffling the afternoon into a soft, easy pace. Pacino preening himself before a full-belly nap. And I hear God whispering to me that He hasn't let go, that He never will.
What I Smell: Fresh coffee in the kitchen. Vanilla candle next to me while I write. Tomato babies upstairs in the sunniest window. Buffalo manure in the front field, so strong today that is reminds me of the elephant house at the zoo. Skunk spray in the barn, which kind of smells good. And big, important changes.
What I Taste: Perfectly dark, fresh, hot, sweet, creamy coffee. And thankfully much less bitterness than I have tasted in months.
What I Feel: The grit of dirt under my fingernails from potting up tomato babies then playing with the cats. Thin cotton shirt on my arms. Crinkled paper pages and spiral spine of my planner. Romance in the air. And hope.
Feel Your World and Enjoy It.

I love your 5 Senses Tour, Marie. And you sound like things are just purring along beautifully.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your sweet comments on my blogs - I really appreciate the feedback.
Take care and enjoy the rest of your day.
Thank you as always Heather! By the way, I didn't see a way to subscribe to the gardening blog?
DeleteWhat a wonderful idea! I love reading your unique posts!
ReplyDeleteThanks Kat! I love it. Can't claim the meme though, be sure to check out Bohemian Twilight, hers are luscious. : )
DeleteI think I might have to check into doing the tour myself!!!
ReplyDeleteOh I hope you do, Tiff! It's very restful to just sit and observe your day superficially rather than always be cooking up and distilling thoughts and messages. xo
DeleteI never do the senses tour, but I love it when others do. It is like a glimpse of there world and if you just close your eyes and envelope your self in your senses, you are just almost there...