He's absolutely right.
It's high time for another Iron Goat, friends.
Last summer I dove into this little fitness challenge with my sister-in-law's inspiration and the encouragement of lots of friends. It was so fun and fruitful! I first described the Iron Goat right here. Then I offered a quick update halfway through the plan. Finally, I wrote a recap several weeks later. Here are the quick nuts and bolts:
The Iron Goat training program is simply
the gradual accomplishment of the Iron Man challenges,
spread over a month instead of one day.
This amounts to, over the course of one month,
running 26.2 miles,
biking 112 miles,
and swimming 2.4 miles.
Totally doable, you guys.
It all sounded to me like a crazy amount of exercise until it was done. Now it seems light. Last summer was an experiment, a springboard to better personal goals. It served to get me moving, and I soon found myself hooked on a brand new running lifestyle.
This summer is more exciting, for two reasons: I know now that the running piece is not only possible but will feel amazing; and now I own a bike. An actual, functioning, hand-brakes, multi-speed, non rusted, rubber-tire having bicycle with a leatherish seat and a pretty baby blue paint job and everything. So I can actually complete the 112 miles-on-wheels piece. The swimming will again be pretty approximate, but even laps around our round pool are enough to get my arms and tummy burning.
This time I am upping the ante a little. I want to double the running goal and accomplish the swimming and biking goals... In half the time. That's two full calendar weeks for me to...
Run 53 miles, bike 112 miles, and swim 2 or 3 miles.
Will you join me?
The point is not just to do some slimming; it's to stretch some boundaries. Experience those feelings of accomplishment and transformation.
The slimming will happen naturally because with that much consistent activity and challenge, your body will crave better food and more water. and you'll be shocked at what changes happen in two weeks.
The point is not just to do some slimming; it's to stretch some boundaries. Experience those feelings of accomplishment and transformation.
The slimming will happen naturally because with that much consistent activity and challenge, your body will crave better food and more water. and you'll be shocked at what changes happen in two weeks.
If not the Iron Goat, then what exercise are you seeking this summer? What are you doing to care for your body and your spirit? I have several girlfriends who are making concerted efforts to move and sweat every day, and they are such an inspiration! No matter how busy you are, you have time to be healthy. Activity and good food will improve your life in every sphere.
"Lack of activity destroys the good condition
of every human being,
while movement and methodical physical exercise
save it and preserve it."
Marie, thank you! You have inspired me to do an IRON GOAT of my own! I have several health issues that I have to work around, but I have challenged myself to walk 26 miles the month of July. I did 12 miles in June by walking every day. Looking forward to hearing about your updates!